Monday, June 10, 2013

Why now?

First things first.

My father died in 1997.
We were not close.
Years of sickness and depression  and thousands of miles separated us.
(I was glad for those thousands of miles-I felt psychically  safer)

Not too long ago I had a dream.
More like a visit on the astral plane.
I see my father before me,  sitting at the kitchen table.
He is vibrant, rather young, a smile on his face.
He says to me "I was so miserable back then."
This admission of his was so freeing.
For him, for me.
I wake up the next morning feeling absolutely energized, happy, touched by an
admission from my father that could have only come from the beyond.
(He did not like to share his feelings).

A while later, while having lunch with a friend, I relate this dream. We go on to talk
 of other things, and one of them is the fact that I could become an Hungarian citizen, since my father was born in Hungary.

Have I ever wanted to go to Hungary?
But since Hungary is a member of the European Union, I'd have my retirement dream of living in France made with my newly acquired Hungarian EU passport.

I love languages.
So why not learn Hungarian to support the dream.
On I go.
But I do more that find a site to learn from.
I listen to Folk music on You Tube, I begin to read history, I find a perfect picture for my computer desktop that feels like home. A row of houses tucked in a village, with mountains in the background.

I allow, maybe even invite, Hungary to become a part of me. I allow, maybe even invite, me to become a part of Hungary.

I found an Hungarian news radio program that I listen to every day.
The first day I do so, the language is not pleasing to my ears.
It seems harsh, there is no intonation, and unlike the romance languages so dear to my heart, I can't
even pick out a word here or there (aside from "Info Radio Budapest") uttered from time to time to remind us what we are listening to.
Day 2 or 3 has me a bit more in resonance. I begin to be pleased.

I figure my brain cells are beginning to acclimate.
My heart cells are overflowing with a joy that led me to want to create this blog.

You and I together will  see just where this takes me.